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Our Services


Kids Yoga and Mindfulness


Teaching children Yoga and Mindfulness for a stronger, happier generation and brighter future.

Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness

Provides techniques to quiet the mind and builds concentration

Balance and coordinate the brain

Breath work decreases anxiety and calms the mind and releases stress

Helps children learn how to deal with and understand each emotion

Builds strength and flexibility

Builds team work

Helps with self esteem and confidence

Teaches how to regulate emotions

Better sleep

Helps self control

Trains fine and gross motor skills










Baby Massage

Baby Massage classes offer a relaxing way to bond with your baby through touch. Touch is our first language we learn and the first to develop.

There are many benefits to these classes including boosting babies immune system, aiding digestion and helps relieve colic, wind and constipation. Massaging your baby relaxes both mother and baby and helps you feel closer to your baby creating a special bond. The class is about feeling relaxed and happy after a long night of feeding or wake ups due to baby being unsettled for whatever reason.

Come and enjoy a mindful moment with some wonderful breath work that will help you feel calm. A happy, relaxed mummy means a happy relaxed baby. Tea/coffee, biscuits after the class and a chance to meet other new mums.

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