Welcome to Balance and Bloom Kids Yoga and Mindfulness
Helping young people find joy in yoga and mindfulness

Balance and Bloom Kids Yoga
About Me
Hi! I’m Rachael
I teach yoga and mindfulness to tots, pre-schoolers, primary schools and teens.
I believe a strong body through yoga and breathing exercises equals a happy and healthy mind.
Balance and Bloom classes are not about how many yoga poses might or might not be achieved but rather how settled and relaxed children feel during and after each class.
My yoga practice began in 2013 after moving to Bangkok, Thailand in 2011. I was working at International Schools teaching Early Years. I moved back to the UK In 2017 and gave birth to my wonderful little girl, who is now 4 years old. After my maternity leave I worked at a nursery as an early years practitioner and then a primary school as a teaching assistant. In 2021 I gave birth to my beautiful boy.
Balance and Bloom started during 2020 when I was teaching small groups at the school I was working at and working 1-1 with children that have special educational needs.
I now teach yoga and mindfulness in local nurseries and schools.
During my maternity with my baby boy, I discovered a wonderful baby massage class which benefited myself and my baby. The teacher Jo, was a wonderful 73 year old lady, due to retire. I trained as a baby massage teacher and now run the classes Jo ran for over 10 years. The community she created felt bliss. This was my favorite day of the week and a special relaxing, bonding time for me and my baby. Something I wanted to recreate for new mums and babies.
Balance and Bloom Kids Yoga Services
Kids Yoga
Balance and Bloom is here to help children manage their big emotions that can seem over whelming at times. We are here to help children feel happy, strong, healthy and balanced.
With breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Learning how to reduce stress in a healthy, fun way is a life skill they can carry with them until adulthood.
Yoga helps boost children’s self-esteem, enhances concentration, memory and develops their strength and flexibility.
Each class focuses on an emotion and a fun theme, as well as stories, games, songs, and a mindful, relaxing moment at the end of each class to help recharge their batteries.
Does your child like dinosaurs, unicorns, animals, cowboys, fairies, space, learning about the weather and seasons? This class offers all this and more.
Baby Massage
Baby Massage classes offer a relaxing way to bond with your baby through touch. Touch is our first language we learn and the first to develop.
There are many benefits to these classes including boosting babies immune system, aiding digestion and helps relieve colic, wind and constipation. Massaging your baby relaxes both mother and baby and helps you feel closer to your baby creating a special bond. The class is about feeling relaxed and happy after a long night of feeding or wake ups due to baby being unsettled for whatever reason.
Come and enjoy a mindful moment with some wonderful breath work that will help you feel calm. A happy, relaxed mummy means a happy relaxed baby. Tea/coffee, biscuits after the class and a chance to meet other new mums.